Facilitators assist people in accomplishing more as individuals, as a group, as a company, and as a country. A facilitator must have two crucial talents in order to support positive growth: the ability to listen carefully and the ability to offer questions that help the person being facilitated dig deeper into his or her own experience. A facilitator must set a common aim for the group to pursue. They should also be able to listen, observe, and offer questions that will aid the group's effectiveness. The IAF Core Competencies are the fundamental skills that all facilitators must possess in order to be successful. The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to developing and distributing effective approaches to professional development and learning. IAF is a group of people that share a passion for personal growth and a desire to see the world in a more positive light. The following are four reasons why IAF is beneficial: 1. When you ...